A Bold, and Happy, Lawyer

Esta é uma das razões - a outra são as fotografias de casas geométricas, a decoração em linhas direitas - por que eu estou apaixonado pelo jansenista.

Dos seis conselhos de Martha Nussbaum aos licenciados da faculdade de direito de Chicago em 2010 (e como eu gostava de ler e ouvir coisas destas, esta mesma self-reliance, nos locais onde por cá se ensina).

1. Don't follow a path just because that is what people expect of you. (…)
2. Don't be excessively influenced by money. (…)
3. When you encounter opposition, don't be cowed, and don't be ashamed of who you are. (…)
4. Think about the whole world, and somehow find a way to be a citizen of the world. (…)
5. Continue your education. (…)
6. Don't forget the spirit of love and joy. (…)
If there is anything that stands out in this remarkable life, it is a spirit of delight that animates it as a whole. (…) But joy makes everything you do - every argument, every new proposal -- so much more powerful. To follow this piece of advice requires considerable self knowledge, since every prescription for joy is highly individual. So think of the ways that you can keep spaces in your life for joy, and be determined that this spirit will animate your work as a whole.
On this happy day, go into the future in that spirit of adventure and delight, never stop learning, and you too will be able to say to all challengers, "Do you think I have deliberated badly about my own life?"